
“Wait! Wait! I take it back, I’ll go to the dentist. You said you’d stay off Twitter!”
-Anastasia, losing to her girlfriend in Fussy Wolf, Patient Vamp

NoBarkLeftMarf: Jesus Christ, you have to hope, Anastasia.
FineWithIceNine: Not when there isn't any left to have.
NoBarkLeftMarf: You're more depressing than your roommate, you know that, right?
FineWithIceNine: I'm realistic.
-Anastasia on Election Night

This magic moment
So different and so new…
Was like any other, until I met you…
“Come on motherfucker, bring it!”
Anastasia blinked, and found herself face to face with an angry, sweaty man wearing some sort of harness from which trailed cables to the two swords he held in each hand. Anastasia felt the weight of a pistol in her hand, thumbed it to make sure the safety was off, then raised it and shot the man in the head.
-Anastasia kills a man in Another Fucking Therapy Appointment

Anastasia O' Malley




Vulpes Transformes | Homo Lupus Sapiens

Anastasia Romanov(Girlfriend), Ryke Summers (Boyfriend), Her (???)


Future Patriot Program
Department of Nonhuman Services


One of three children born to her mother and father, Anastasia grew up with her head in a book. Most of the time, it was better than the world around her. Before dysphoria kicked in, Anastasia had to contend with her father's yelling, her mother's yelling back, her sibling's own ways of dealing; and her constant, unyielding depression.

So she read, and she read, and she read. She got all As and Bs and was told to apply herself further. She confided in adults and they did nothing but give her empty platitudes. She stood up to her father and got a smack in the face and admonishment from her mother. "Don't be stupid." She told her. "Don't talk to him when he's like this." She got an apology and an ice cream from her father when he sobered up. It didn't help.

So she hid in her room and she read, and she read, and when she was out of books she went online; where she learned about daemons and furries and MMOs and libertarianism and video games. She found forums and chatrooms and online and offline games to hide in, and the yelling continued and the debts piled up and the stress mounted and the dysphoria grew like a deadly poison within her until one night she found herself in a waking nightmare, talking in hushed tones to people she had both never seen and recognized as her friends of years.

"You live in Everett too? Why don’t we meet up?"
"Well, not Everett exactly, North Lynnwood."
"I'm in Everett."

And so she found herself walking into the woods, convinced that she was going as mad as one of the protagonists in the Lovecraft novels she had devoured for years, until she rounded a clearing and found her sole reasons for living standing right there in the flesh. Ross Melbourne and Ryke Summers were real. She was real.

And for the first time in a long time, Anastasia O' Malley had something to live for.