
NoBarkLeftMarf: you. are adorable.
FineWithIceNine: no you are <3
NoBarkLeftMarf: I’m okay with that. 😊
-A text conversation with the bestie in Sailor Scouts
FieryRoses: Where have you been for the past like, five years?
NoBarkLeftMarf: In the streets, in your arms, in and out of various other people's arms. On ABC, on CNN, on Al Jazeera. At Google, At Microsoft, In front of Congress. I'm sure Anastasia has an itemized list.
-Ryke explaining what they've been up to for the past few years on Election Night
425-321-9853: What’s going on? Do you need me to be there with you? I can drive over.
-Ryke, being the best friend who will absolutely drive over to your place in the middle of the night during I Have Trouble Trusting You Motherfuckers

Ryke Summers

NoBarkLeftMarf | ?


Homo Sapiens | Homo Lupus Sapiens (Husky)

Ross Melbourne (Girlfriend), Anastasia O'Malley (Girlfriend)

Mara Summers & Trent Summers

Future Patriot Program
Department of Nonhuman Services


Ryke is no stranger to the world around him turning upside down and exposing secrets. A quintessentially American childhood with a white picket fence in the middle of suburbia, 2 siblings, and middle class family overflowing with wise lessons and unconditional love was interrupted when he found a green stone that changed his life.

The stone transmuted him, literally changed who he was. Ryke went from a normal kid, to a were-husky. After wandering around the neighborhood in dog mode for more hours than he would like to admit, he figured out how to change back. The first thing he did was bring the green gem home to his family, who hugged him close.

His dad, a chemist, worked for months to analyze its properties, and Ryke took time to hone his abilities and explore the world. He learned quickly how to go from one form to another, how to add bipedality to that, and even how to keep his shifts to ears and a tail (the former cleverly tucked under a hat). Realizing that being a were-husky gave him the ability to explore more than he had ever done before, Ryke roamed the entirety of Lynnwood; and beyond.

Unfortunately for Ryke, this was quickly cut off by the arrival of the Department of Nonhuman Services. Although they were impressed enough with his father's work to hire him, they were unimpressed with Ryke's neighborhood romps and were quick to lay down the rules. No shifting outside of DNS facilities, schedule 72 hours in advance at a limited list of DNS controlled plots of land, weekly therapy and monthly checkins with a case worker. Although his dad's new position meant that Ryke got more freedom than many weres, he was still solidly grounded.

Growing into a young adult, Ryke has never forgotten the freedom he had before the DNS showed up and turned one of the coolest things that had ever happened to him into a restrictive and scary experience. He had already known some parts of America were not safe for him, and in the name of "protecting" him, the DNS only succeeded in ensuring his sisters would view the world as even more unsafe.