
"You know there was a time when I had honest hope, but that’s fucking dead, baby. That’s gone. Nobody gets it and nobody gives a shit. We’re all just struggling to survive. It’s the same thing as 30 years ago. Except the white queers have tech jobs and drive nice cars now. But everybody else? We’re left the fuck out to rot. We’re left out to die. It’s all sandcastles that sink under the incoming tide."
-Kevin Livek in I have Trouble Trusting You Motherfuckers

"You know it’s my goddamn job to dig up dirt right? It’s what I do. On the rich and powerful, and on people like you."
-Kevin Livek in I have Trouble Trusting You Motherfuckers
"You really tick me the fuck off. You know that? You and your whole goddamn polycule really tick me the fuck off."
-He's back at it in Tall Poppy'd


Kevin Livek


Haha, do I look like i'm kinning five anime characters to you?


Vulpes Transformares

Miko Chiyo-ni(Sibling)

Dissapointed in me

Kevin Livek is a villain, flat out.

Before weres were known to the public, Livek ran a pirate supernatural radio station out of his parent's home to great success. Although his tone was milder, his ultimate aim was the same as it has always been: whatever he wanted, with a hearty fuck you to anyone and everyone who disagreed. Perhaps due to his podcast/radio show being distributed through relatively new online mediums as well as underground channels, Livek would soon attract the attention not of the Department of Nonhuman Services (which at the time was still building its online precense), but of a local hunter; Cole Traxis.

What happened during that doesn't matter. Livek and his sister were kidnapped, and rescued. Cole Traxis lay dead at the hands of Anastasia and friends. What matters is the aftermath. Miko suffered severe PTSD that she kept hidden behind a cheerful, hyperactive façade for years. Livek became only more convinced that the world (and our protagonists) fucking owed him and deserved to suffer. While its easy to think this was the incident that crystalized that belief, one has to wonder when listening to his pre-kidnapping podcast; was it really?

During the Reveal, Livek was one of the first folks to reveal himself on air as nonhuman. Before the situation became uncontrollable, he was even arrested for it. As a result, his fame grew rapidly among both weres and non weres and he capitalized on this to launch himself into mainstream (niche) success. As each passing year goes by, he accrues more wealth and power and becomes an even bigger force to reckon with.

Kevin sees only themself and themself alone (with the possible exception of Miko) as worthy of anything other than suffering. The world is an extension of the system that has caused them pain and they do not see any issue with responding with overwhelming force towards anything and everything opposed to them, even if this replicates the conditions that hurt them in the first place.

Some people just want to watch the world burn, and with an increasingly secure place as one of the 21st centuries most important counterculture figures and a media empire on the horizon; Kevin Livek is, unfortunately, in the right position to strike the match.